Fox's Awakening Read online

Page 4

  My mind is still swirling from the knowledge provided to me from the ominous being in the other realm or daydream. The same divine messenger who spoke to me when I first came back to the pyramid.

  “I have to go,” I whisper to myself more than them, urging myself to move.

  Dropping both of their hands, I move quickly down the corridor. They do not follow, nor do they call out. But somehow, in the depths of my soul, I sense the hurt and rejection they feel at my departure.

  My first stop is the war room. Aldin is sure to be conducting plans of the impending doom of the evil Baako with Marcus. The need to speak to him weighs heavily on me. Maybe, possibly, he can make sense of what’s going on with me, the twins, and this otherworldly woman who keeps communicating with me.

  Pushing the heavy wooden door open, I enter the room. Aldin and Marcus are looming over a table full of scattered, tattered scrolls.

  “This doesn’t make sense, my lord. Are you sure? I haven’t felt anything strange within him. I mean, I felt he was different from the others. But how can he possibly be the carrier of—” Aldin stops abruptly when he recognizes my presence in the room.

  Both Immortals shift uneasily and look toward me.

  “I guess my mom was right. I sure know how to quiet a room,” I heartily remark at the expressions both men are wearing. Aldin grabs his cell phone lying on the table, shoving it into his pants’ pocket, while Marcus stoically glares at my untimely intrusion. Oh, well, get used to it, buddy.

  “Hello, my friend. Glad to see you are back. We were just talking about our next move and your upcoming journey,” Aldin replies as he straightens a few of the worn papers into a stack.

  I notice him putting one purposely on the bottom of the pile. Interesting.

  “Please, don’t let me interrupt,” I comment, but both men remain silent.

  “Are you okay, Fox? You seem a bit off lately. Are you coming down with something? Humans are so susceptible to a list of various diseases and viruses. Sick maybe?” Marcus’ sarcastic tone sets me off, and I can’t help what comes next.

  Moving toward him, I point my finger. “What the fuck did I ever do to you? Hmm, Marcus? I’ve done nothing but help your cause since I joined your alliance. I’m on your side, douchebag. It wouldn’t hurt for you to pretend you like me.”

  The eerie recognition beaming from Marcus’ golden eyes causes me to pause as a graphic vision blindsides me, and once again, I’m transported to another time, another place.

  “What makes you believe you are worthy of my sister’s love? You are nothing but a beast created by the God and Goddess. I can’t help but believe you are not what anyone expected.”

  “I love her with all of my heart and soul, my lord. I hold part of her inside of me, as she holds part of me as well. How can you say I’m not good enough? I was made for her.”

  “We’ll see about that, beast. It’s time to prove your worth.”

  For a fleeting moment, I’m stunned by where I am. Once again transported to a place I’ve never seen. A time I don’t remember. It’s as if I’m playing out someone else’s life.

  We’re in the center of a grove of fruit trees in a clearing. A type of tree I’ve never encountered before. The leaves are the brightest green, almost neon, with a pink-colored fruit shaped like bananas. The sky is a deep magenta with two small suns hanging high in the sky. Even so, the temperature is perfect. A cool breeze blows across my skin, perpetrating prickles of gooseflesh across my body.

  The man looks very familiar. I know him, yet his name is just beyond my mind’s reach.

  “Watch yourself, beast. Be ready,” the man warns.

  I turn back to him, just in time to see him instantly shift into a giant black wolf.

  “What the—,”

  The howling emerges from the giant animal as its heavy gait paces back and forth across the grassland between the trees. Beckoning a confrontation.

  Summoning me to action. In a split second, my physical body morphs and I am on all fours. I’m in a skin I don’t recognize. My body feels different, large and powerful. It’s me but not me. And when I open my mouth to ask questions, I am greeted with a menacing, ferocious roar, a deep chesty cough.

  Immediately, the wolf attacks and my new body instinctively reacts, pounding the ground until we crash into each other. Lightning cracks across the hazy sky. Thunder rolls as teeth gnash, claws scrape, and the stinging on my skin becomes painful, but I keep fighting. Twisting around through the air, I jump onto the back of the black wolf. From behind, I sink my fangs into his neck, forcing submission from the great animal.

  “Brenton. Fox.” Aldin’s worried voice pulls me from the vision, and I double over holding my pounding head and middle from the irritation of the pain it has triggered. Although this time, it’s not quite as bad as the first episode.

  “Are you okay, Agent Fox?” Marcus prompts as he stares wickedly in my direction.

  “You know, don’t you? You understand what I’m going through,” I accuse, out of breath from the pain of the interlude I was part of. The roughness in my tone is imparted.

  “I’m not sure what you mean? You were here one minute, then the next you tranced out. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought Aldin cast a spell on you, taking your free will, human,” he sneers, rolling his eyes.

  “I would never, Marcus. And you are aware of that, my lord. Please, he needs to know,” Aldin responds to Marcus’ taunting.

  “It is not my place, child. As the humans are so fond of saying, my hands are tied.”

  “Bullshit. Tell me, motherfucker. Something is happening to me, and I don’t understand it. And I sure as shit don’t care who or what you are.”

  I stand upright too quickly and lose my balance. With speed only a vampire possesses, Aldin is there at my side to help steady my balance.

  “Thanks, man.”

  He nods his agreement and turns back to eyeball Marcus. They know.

  Marcus begrudgingly sighs. “Oh, my dearest child. Why do you ask so much of me?”

  “He should know. You see him, my lord. The changes.” Aldin is worried.

  “Humph. Yes, I suppose you're right. But I will aide only this once,” he reluctantly answers then looks over at me. “It appears you are changing, Agent Fox.”

  “Changing? Again with the mysterious and confusing shit. Changing how?” I volley back and wait for his cryptic bullshit to spew from his godly mouth.

  “Ah, but that’s the fun of it. You see, the beast lies within you. Waiting patiently for you to decide, to accept or reject him. I’ve said enough already. I’m not at liberty to divulge any further information on the topic. Find my sisters; they can give you the answers you require.” He dismisses me with his hands, shooing me in the direction I came in from. Then he turns around and makes a quick exit through the opposite door.

  “I don’t understand any of this, Aldin,” I share with him, annoyance in my gruff tone. “No one will give me any fucking answers. Even you are tight lipped when I ask. All I get is one bizarre fucking response after another. I need answers.”

  “Come to me, my love. I’m waiting for you. Come to me, and I will give you everything you require,” a dainty voice chants in my head.

  “How are you talking in my head?” I quickly respond to her, but she doesn’t answer.

  “Fox. Where did you go again? Are you with me?” Aldin shakes my arm.

  “Huh? Yeah, I’m with you,” I mutter, stumbling backwards a few steps when I shudder at the emptiness her not answering causes inside me.

  “I want to help you, to tell you, but I’m bound to protect first. You must go find the sisters and speak to them,” he says with a sense of urgency.

  “Come to me, my love. Come to me now, and I will help you,” the angelic voice of the woman from the other realm continues the incantation.

  “You’re right, man. It’s time to get to the bottom of this,” I announce, wobbling a little before righting myself on my feet.

  “Do you need an escort?” Aldin’s smart-ass remark has us both chuckling. “Hey, you’ve seen this place. It’s huge. A person could get lost for years in the catacombs.”

  “Nah, Kovac. I’ve got this,” I express in a halfhearted leftover laugh and exit the room in search of the voice inside my head.


  The carnal beast’s senses cannot be denied. Touch and smell remind him of lost memories of the past. Forever changed but not forgotten. ~ Goddess

  My mind is full of possibilities. Could I harbor an animal crafted by the Gods, a beast? If so, what kind? I’m unsure of the changes my body, mind, and soul are undergoing.

  The mystifying being is calling out to me, drawing me closer and closer to her. As I walk the long corridor, I’m moving without thought or provocation. The pull the celestial woman has on me calls to the deepest, darkest part of myself.

  As I enter the cavity, the first thing I notice are the unclothed, partly luminous twins as they descend into the crystal-clear pool in the center of the room. They submerge under the fluorescent water, vanishing, and the lovely godlike being who haunts my thoughts appears. What the fuck?

  The link cementing between us increases with every look, interaction, be it in body or mind. Closing the great divide Baako brought forth and set in motion all those centuries ago. The creature within Brenton stirs, subconsciously aware of the claim we’ve made on him.



  Both emotions war within us. A constant battle to unite with the male our heart desires above everything. But not until his memory is fully restored, whole, and standing before us with fire burning in his eyes can we come together and join.

  In our peripheral vision, we watch him enter the sacred chambers. A flicker of disbelief registers when in unison we step back into the waters and sink into its depths. Breaking the top of the calmed waters, I appear. The photoluminescence glowing from the living pebbled stones beneath my feet illuminates the cavern as I move closer to the water’s edge.

  “Come to me,” I request, lifting my arms open wide to wait for him to decide, unashamed by my lack of clothing.

  An ancient feeling stirs in my heart as he stalks in my direction. The ancient predator is close to the surface. He toes off his shoes and reaches behind him, removing the garment from his chest at the same moment he reaches for me. Reverently, his thumb and forefinger rub my jaw as he cups my nape in his large palm. The gentle caress sends excitement and fear pulsing throughout my body. I stare into his crystal-blue eyes and admire the strong warrior before me. I cannot bear to lose him again now that he’s been found.

  “You are the owner of my heart. For so long I have been empty inside.”

  “Yeah, beautiful. You keep telling me. And so do Jada and Jazmine. My mind’s a fucked-up mess between all of you. I’m battling a moral war inside; a desire for each of you isn’t justified or acceptable to me. But right here and now, I have the craving to taste you.”

  A raised eyebrow challenging the inner creature incites a rumble from deep within him. He lowers his head slightly, bending to reach my lips as I extend mine upwards to him. The split second his soft lips touch me, we are thrown back in time to the first time we made love.

  He lifted his hands to the sapphire broach on my shoulder, unfastening the clasp. The sheer material effortlessly fell over the curves of my hips to puddle around my bare ankles.

  “Exquisite,” he reverently growled, enjoying the view of my nude curves. The flaxen specks within his blue eyes flickered with admiration and need. “I have wanted you with every fiber of my being, and today, you will become mine forever, Jadzia. Never shall we part. We will rule side by side for eternity, sharing our timeless love with all we encounter.”

  “For always, Fedor.”

  I reached for the ceremonial broach on his hip, releasing the garment, baring his golden skin touched by the sun, worthy of worship and adoration. His broad, Herculean shoulders were affixed to a powerfully sculpted chest and chiseled abdomen fine-tuned by the animal he harbored inside. The valley’s absence of hair led to the glorious, hard shaft standing tall and aroused. I laid my palm over his left hipbone and closed my eyes. In return, he found the globe of my left breast.

  “A gift of me to you, my strong warrior.”

  “A gift of me to you, my lovely Goddess.”

  Warmth caressed the connection point as part of my essence seeped into him, binding us. Opening my eyes, I removed my hand to admire the claws of his animal imprinted on me. We stood skin to skin, mesmerized. Neither one wanting to rush the sacred occasion. The intense affection for one another bursting forth into a cosmic rain shower of musical notes in the open space under the vast universe. Our souls united as one.

  “It is done.”

  He planted his lips over mine. An unfathomable explosion occurred. Desire beyond my naïve sexual expectations arose inside of me, fierce and determined. When I opened to him, his tongue plunged inside, licking and tasting. I mimicked his actions, longing for my mate’s flavor. Our tongues entwined, imitating deeds of what was to come when our bodies finally mated as one. Plunging in and out. Every surface inside the cavern of my mouth, he devoured, a man parched and thirsty for the substance of his waking desire. My arms wound around his sturdy neck as he lifted me without strain and carried me toward the altar where we would consummate our joining.

  The graphite marble substance conformed to the shape of me instantly when he laid me down. He ended the carnal kiss, trailing nips along my collarbone until he was at the site of his branding. I tensed in anticipation. Without delay, his canines lengthened. Using his velvety tongue, he wet the tattoo only to quickly pierce the skin. My blood flowed freely, calming the beast’s carnal need to taste his mate.

  His hand found the juncture of my thighs, parting the weeping flesh. I moaned in delight when he touched the needy tissue. Heat spread downward into my lower region, eliciting waves of blissful pleasure. A thick finger entered my womb, stretching my virginal walls. My muscles tensed at the invasion until a warm tongue licked the bite at my breast and moved to the pebbled nipple begging for his attention.

  Red-hot flames consumed my very being. Unknown but ready, I was headed toward a brutal and fierce climax of epic proportions. The rhythm of his steady penetration was interrupted when he inserted a second finger and scissored them, enlarging my channel with pleasurable pain.


  A glow surfaced in the east over the peaks behind the majestic mountains where the twin moons perched. The luminous white glow expanded and took on a slightly purplish tinge then erupted with bright neon lights dancing in time to the all-consuming orgasm pulsing throughout my euphoric existence.

  Unhurried but breathing heavy from the exertion, he positioned himself above me, cradled within my open thighs. The crown of his hardened cock searching for its warm sheath. The steady beating of hearts collectively timed with the other’s. He arranged himself propped on his elbows and lavished me with subtle kisses across my creased brow.

  “With all that I am, I am yours, Jadzia.”

  The ground shakes, and Brenton’s consciousness is ripped from me back into the present.

  “What the fuck is happening?” Brenton calls out.

  The cavern floor moves once again, jarring him out of his trance. His stormy eyes locate and land on us. Desire and confusion parry inside him.

  “The brother we no longer claim is here,” Jada relays.

  “Come. Let us meet him united,” Jazmine instructs.


  “The actual experience of awakening happens in the present moment. I’m evolving into my higher self by simply shedding energies that no longer match the frequency of where my destiny leads.” ~ Brenton Fox

  As my body sways and moves with the ground beneath me, my brain is confused by what is happening. The ability for my eyes to decipher what my body is experiencing plays tricks with my mind.

  The placid, calm water, which wa
s still just moments ago, begins to form ripples and waves.

  “We must leave. Now,” Jada speaks in a rush.

  “It is time to confront Baako, together,” Jazmine continues.

  The earth continues to move beneath us, jolting my senses back to where I am. The sexual pleasure of the time spent with Jadzia…gone. That’s her name. I remember. We’re connected. The feelings are overwhelming, but I’m sure of it. This last vision or out-of-body experience seemed so real. Intense. Perfectly right.

  My body stiffens and becomes cold from the ongoing and impending quakes shaking the grotto, as large rocks and stalagmites fall from the cavern ceiling, nearly missing our location. I help the twins out of the pool, scrambling to safety, just as Aldin runs in hollering into the vast underground chamber.

  “Fox. We’re under attack. Move it. Quickly. Marcus needs everyone to assemble for a briefing.”

  I shove my wet feet back into my boots, and a shirt magically appears. I glance to see Jada eyeing me with rosy cheeks. I wink at her and follow Aldin out of the chamber. The sisters accompany us closely, moving just as quickly with their accelerated speed. My steps falter when I realize I’m keeping up with them. Then I fall into agent mode, my safety net.

  “Baako?” I inquire as we continue to climb the stairs.

  “Yes. He’s trying to break the wards up above. Sources report there are hundreds of soldiers, his made minions, with him. The situation is dangerous,” Aldin unenthusiastically informs the group. “Personally, I’ve sent Wren to the inner chamber for her protection. She’s so close to giving birth, I’m concerned this attack might trigger an early labor and endanger both her and our child.”